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Altitude Hold
Climb / Descend
Altitude PreSelect


Auto Level Feature Automatic 180 Turn
Altitude Recovery
Airspeed Limiting
Track Offset
Automatic Servo
Pitch Auto Trim
Fuel Management

Now available


G5 Interface*
Aspen Interface*
Dynon Interface*
AV-30 Interface*

*$250 Additional Cost



Pro Pilot Autopilot

Instrument Mount System $3,185
Stack Mount System $3,285
(Above Prices for Experimental Aircraft Only)

GPSS/GPSV, Fuel Management System and Pitch Auto-Trim Now
Included at No Extra Cost
(Customer supplies trim motor and fuel transducer)

Pitch and Roll Servo Installation Kits = $45 each

Download Pro Pilot Brochure                                                                               
The Pro Pilot is a two axis autopilot designed for precise navigation and altitude control.  It encompasses all of the performance and safety features of our other systems, and makes them available in a single, panel mounted instrument. 
The system includes back-lighted buttons and illuminated faceplate nomenclature as part of a pleasing new industrial design.

The Pro Pilot provides excellent horizontal navigation capabilities and the vertical navigation enables altitude control, climb/descent functions with airspeed limiting, and altitude pre-select.  Climb/descent on airspeed is also included.

The Pro Pilot uses Trio's proven "intelligent" Gold Standard servos to assure safe and reliable control actuation.

While the Pro Pilot incorporates many features, it is very simple to operate.  Just press the H NAV button and it will track your flight plan.  Press the V NAV button and it will hold your current altitude.

The Pro Pilot is available in two models - instrument mount and rack mount.  Both models feature backlit nomenclature and bright LED indicators

Separate MODE buttons are provided for advanced Horizontal and Vertical functions.

The H MODE button allows the pilot to track a GPS flight plan, fly a specific course over the ground, or intercept a flight plan.

The V MODE button may be used to specify a minor altitude adjustment, a climb/descent rate, and/or a destination altitude.

EFIS Compatibility

Fuel Management System Instructions

Do I Really Need An Autopilot?